In order to access and to work on user details in Sadmin, proceed as follows:
|1| Perform a User search
go to Platform overview and click on "users" placed next to a group name.
In both cases you have to click on the "user id" to access the User Details:

|2| User options:
|a| change user's password:
click on the link, type in the new password and click on "set"
|b| change user's email:
click on the link, type in the new email and click on "change"
|c| deactivate user's notifications:
- from section "Action" : if you click on the link and then on "OK"-button, you'll deactivate the received notifications for all the platforms that the users is a member of.
- from section "Notifications": click on "off" to disable the notifications for a specific platform only
Please, note: If you deactivate the user's notifications from Sadmin, the user can enable them from section "Settings" on the platform only.
|d| remove the user from all platforms and groups:
click on "remove groups & platforms" and then on "OK"
Please, note: After removing the user from all groups and platforms, the account is not deleted and old memberships will still be displayed.
|3| Useful user statistics:
In the pop-up window of the User details you can find information about:
user's info id
date of registration
last login
groups that the user is member of
old membership - groups that user has been member of
status of the notifications for specific platform